20.2 – Warm-Up and Strategy to get to the TOP 5% in CrossFit Open 2019

18 Oct 2019

What is the CrossFit Games Open 20.2 workout?

20.2 is a long 20-minute AMRAP with very short rounds.

Your score will be affected a lot by how good you are with DUs as you will be able to beat most of the people just by doing DUs in 1-2 sets.

What is a good score to beat for the 20.2?

My guess for the top 5% score is slightly better than advanced athlete’s 20 rounds with about 21-22 rounds.

All these times are based on assumption that you can do DUs. If you struggle with DUs then even 5 rounds will be good score to beat.

Beginner (who can do DUs) 10 rounds 120 sec/round
Average 15 rounds 80 sec/round
Advanced 20 rounds 60 sec/round
Competitor 24 rounds ~50 sec/round
Elite +26 rounds ~45 sec/round

Warm-up for the Open 20.2

This week’s warm-up should be focused on getting familiar with movements, especially with DB thrusters.

I would do about 10-minute practice of all three movements and then finish warm up with short EMOM like this:

10 Min EMOM
1. Min: 2 DB Thrusters (you can use lighter weight) + 3 TTB
2. Min: 20 DUs

Strategy for the Open 20.2

Strategy for the 20.2 will be short as the sets already consist of low reps, so there won’t be much splitting of reps in each set. Your goal should be finding the correct pace you can hold for 20 minutes.

I will go through each movement and try to share my view on the strategy of every movement.

DB Thrusters

Each round starts with DB thrusters, which are the hardest movement of this WOD. Thankfully, there are only four thrusters.

You should always aim to do all thrusters unbroken as dropping dumbbells down in the middle of the set will cost you a lot of time.

Try to start with thrusters as soon as possible after DUs and rest after the thrusters. The goal is to just get through them as quickly as possible and focus on other 2 movements in the WOD.

Toes to Bars

Usually, I wouldn’t split set of just 6 TTB, but I will do it in this WOD as the total of reps over 20 rounds is 120 TTB.

Splitting TTB to sets of 3+3 from the first round should be a good idea as it allows you to stay consistent on TTB during the second half of the WOD.

Smaller sets on TTB also makes you slow down a little and have one extra rest which should help you keep HR under control.

Double Unders

I am sorry to say that, but you have to be good at DUs to get a good score in this WOD.

There is not much strategy with DUs, focus on the movement, and keep the proper posture.

Rest as long as you need before DUs, so you know you can do DUs unbroken. Top athletes don’t need any rest before DUs, but others may need to rest for ~5-10 sec to calm down HR.

Pacing & Transitions

Pacing is the key to a good score. As always, don’t rush at the beginning, go at a decent pace and try to keep that pace for a full 20 minutes.

If you have an issue with pacing, watch the stopwatch and have all rounds in the range of +/- 5 secs of each other.

This WOD is worth repeating after two days of rest as you can easily take your old score, calculate your pace, and make it a little faster for your second try.

Time per round in seconds = 1200 / Targeted rounds


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